⚙️⚙️ At Diener AG, employees are the most valuable asset. Protected accordingly with the Uepaa app.


⚙️⚙️ At Diener AG Precision Machining, our employees are our most valuable asset. Accordingly, geschützt👏🏻👏🏻

At Diener AG, the personal well-being of each individual is taken care of. A fitness room, a climbing wall, a swimming pool and a barbecue area are available to every employee free of charge. Diener AG Precision Machining, based in Embrach, has developed into an important partner for medical technology. As a subcontractor, Diener AG manufactures sophisticated parts from titanium, stainless steels and Peek. Today, Diener AG employs around 200 people at its site in Embrach.

However, even in a state-of-the-art environment, working alone cannot be avoided. Be it in the operating technology, in the raw materials warehouse or in the machinery ... since this month, the Uepaa® Safety App (according to Suva 44094) has been providing protection.

We thank you for the order and wish all employees a good start with the Safety App.

- More about Diener AG: www.diener-ag.com
- More about Uepaa AG: https://lnkd.in/dF6PGKq

#machining #loneworker #safety #safetyfirst #digitalization

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