🏭🏭 Multi-site safeguarding with the Uepaa app in the lab at Solivas.

🏭🏭 Multi-site protection with the same app ...is that possible? Of course it is! Solvias is expanding lone worker protection in its laboratories.
Because regardless of the laboratory, whether at the headquarters in Keiseraugst or at Biopark Rosental in Basel, working alone in the laboratories is unfortunately unavoidable. That's why the safety app from Uepaa AG has been extended for the new year:
✔️Digitale Dead man function (according to Suva 44094🚨)
✔️Digitale Comrade assistance (Geo Casting Alarm 🆘)
✔️Out-/ Indoor capable (WLAN up to 5G 📶)
✔️Bring Your Own Device (Android & iOS📱)
Solvias is the global market leader in contract research, development and manufacturing (CRO/CDMO) in the pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device and cosmetics industries. More about Solvias: www.solvias.com
Thank you for the many years of cooperation and the great follow-up order. We wish all laboratory employees 👩🏻🔬👨🏻🔬wünschen a good start with the app 🚀🚀 #immersicherverbunden
Do you also need compliant protection for your lone working? Contact us: www.uepaa.ch
Pictures: Solvias