🛡️🛡️ Spiez Laboratory (Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP) relies on the Uepaa app for monitoring.


Spiez Laboratory (Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP) relies on the Uepaa® Safety App from Uepaa AG for monitoring.

Slipping is the number one cause of accidents. Empty laboratories, stairwells or parking garages pose an increased risk at off-peak times and at night, especially for employees working in security.

The Spiez Laboratory is the Swiss specialist center for the protection of the population against nuclear, biological and chemical threats and hazards. It reports to the Federal Office for Civil Protection in the Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) and is based in Spiez.

We are very pleased to be able to contribute to the safety of employees at Spiez Laboratory!

- More about Spiez Laboratory: www.labor-spiez.ch


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Picture Courtesy: BABS, Adrian Moser

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